A handful of talented young people from the greater Phoenix area are coming together to combine their skills in music promotion and performance to create and unforgettable fundraising event for the Obama Biden Campaign. On October 1, 2008, Modified Arts will host a group of progressive, forward-thinking musicians who will volunteer their time and talent for the cause. Information on the Obama Biden campaign along with voter registration materials will be on hand for attendees. There is a suggested donation of $5 to $10 for admission to Rock for Barack, but we will welcome donations of any size. Bring your friends out, enjoy some great music, network with other supporters and help Barack Obama and Joe Biden in their final push for the presidency! If you would like to help promote this show and reach out to other voters, email Erika Delemarre at ErikaSunshine33@hotmail.com for more information. Please make note if you would like an electronic copy of the event flier to post on your web site or social networking profile.
Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs5ccg
Added by MyBO on September 25, 2008