Rock 4 The Causebenefiting Tomorrows Childrens Fund
Location: Hiro Ballroom, New York City
Date: Thursday, May 14th, 2009; 7pm-10pm
Performance by top cover band Drop Dead Sexy
Music by DJ Steve PowersOpen bar and hors devours for all guests
Ticket Levels:
GA - $60, Open Bar, hors devours , GA Access
VIP - $100, Open Bar, hors devours , VIP and GA Access
For information about sponsorship or product donation, please call or email Mike Russell at 917-454-8400 or
mrussell@acause4celebration.orgOrganized by A Cause 4 CelebrationA Cause 4 Celebration is a
non-profit organization that organizes innovative fund raising events
for the benefit of other charities that support pediatric cancer
initiatives. The 43 in our name represents the 4 focus areas in which
our beneficiary organization all work- (1) research, (2) care, (3)
treatment, (4) education. The proceeds from each A Cause 4 Celebration
event will be given to a chosen pediatric cancer organization.
Ticket Info: - General Admission, $60.00
- VIP, $100.00
- Make a Donation, Free
Official Website: http://rock4thecause-upcoming.eventbrite.com