The first novel from acclaimed filmmaker Mike Hoolboom, The Steve Machine is an audaciously original story of the friendship of Auden, a lost and HIV-positive young man, and Steve Reinke, a video artist who can cure insomnia, lower back pain and the ability to fall in love. Together the duo encounter much love, loss and laughter, as well as Yoko Ono, an orgy master, Leno and Letterman and the staff at Pizzabilities.
Mike Hoolboom is the author of three previous books: Plague Years, Inside the Pleasure Dome: Fringe Film in Canada and Practical Dreamers. He is a founding member of the Pleasure Dome screening collective and has worked as the artistic director of the Images Festival and as the experimental film coordinator for the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. He is the winner of over thirty international prizes and has enjoyed nine international retrospectives of his work. The Steve Machine is his first novel.
Michael Hoolboom will be reading in the Lillooet Room (level 3) at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, 1961 East Mall, Vancouver.
Official Website:
Added by allanslibrary on September 18, 2008