Robert D. Schneider, senior consultant and trainer. He has provided distributed computing, database optimization, and other technical expertise to a wide variety of enterprises in the financial, technology, and government sectors, and author of six books and numerous articles on advanced technical topics such as Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), open source, and relational database design/optimization.
Robert will be at Skills Matter this spring to deliver an engaging seminar on Mission Critical Service Testing.
This two day course will teach you how to use the powerful capabilities of soapUI Pro to answer important questions prior to placing these services into production.
In an effort to streamline development and boost productivity, many enterprises are deploying Web, REST, and other types of software services. Unfortunately, very few of these organizations are performing effective, comprehensive tests to ensure that these new, vital services are up to the challenge. The class is structured around the highly regarded 7 Fundamentals of Mission-Critical Service Testing methodology.
If you are a Software Developer or Architect, QA Tester, IT Manager or Web Professional who wants to learn how to employ test automation to improve the quality of your software projects, this course is for you!
Official Website:
Added by Darren Lindsay on January 25, 2011