484-C Moreland Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30307

Author: Robert Olen Butler

Title: Intercourse

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 29th, 7 pm

Location: A Cappella Books

484-C Moreland Ave.

Atlanta, GA 30307

(404) 681-5128


Robert Olen Butler’s last collection of short stories, Severance, imagined the final thoughts of 62 individuals having just been beheaded — from Jayne Mansfield to Medusa. In his new collection he captures the ruminations of folks in the midst of a somewhat more enjoyable circumstance. It’s called Intercourse.

In his wry, poetic style, Butler transcribes the, often worlds-apart, internal monologues of 50 couples, including Lady Diana and Prince Charles.

A Vietnam veteran, Butler won the1993 Pulitzer Prize for fiction with A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, his collection of short stories about Vietnamese-Americans in the aftermath of the war. He teaches at Florida State University.

Mr. Butler will read from and sign copies of his new imaginative work July 29 at 7 pm.

Official Website: http://www.acappellabooks.com

Added by Acappellabooks on June 6, 2008