51 Main St
Champaign/Urbana, Illinois

If Robbie didn't make music, he'd probably be a postal service administrator ...Draw your own conclusions. Widely regarded by those who monitor such things as one of the most gifted songwriters plying his trade these days, he can sing "Eggs" and "Sing a Sad Song" back to back and mean 'em both. Some of the songs he's written for his Bloodshot albums have already been elevated to the status of "classic." Lost in the deserved accolades for being a fabulously unique, clever, and heartfelt writer is the fact that he's also one of the best guitarists around. The chameleon-like tall guy can whip it out in honky-tonk, country, bluegrass, power pop, or whatever strikes his ample whimsy at the time. Robbie plays by nobody's rules - except the ones he hears in his head.

Like a young George Jones, Fulks out sings any current country radio star. Mindy Giles, Pulse

Tour dates, bios, and MP3's:

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of BSHQ.

Added by Bloodshot Records on August 14, 2006

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