155 Bovet Rd
San Mateo, California 94402

Hit the ground running this 2011. Come join us for a round-table discussion on establishing a definitive game plan for the New Year with real estate investing techniques, strategies, marketing, and more. Make your real estate success your resolution!

Cost: FREE for REI Circle registered member.

Not a REI Circle member, visit www.reicircle.com to register – It’s FREE!!!

About the Speaker
Donald Kung - Founder and President of Reliance Realty Group, a real estate brokerage; Portfolio Lending, Inc., a private money lender and mortgage brokerage; Donaldson Homes, Inc., a real estate renovation and construction company; and Reliance Real Estate Opportunity Fund, LLC, an investment fund generating profits for investors through the purchase of real estate assets. Donald has been involved with thousand of residential and commercial real estate transactions as a Broker, Buyer, Seller and private money lender.

Added by REI_Circle on January 9, 2011

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