Hope?s Voice and Student Global AIDS Campaign (SGAC) are excited to bring you the 2006 Road to Hope Tour. After educating thousands of students during a successful spring 2005 tour, we are thrilled to do it again and excited to bring you the opportunity to host a tour stop on your campus. The tour will be making stops at high schools and college campuses around the nation to educate and inform young adults about HIV and AIDS and mobilize young people to act. Hope?s Voice will be bringing our speakers and national awareness campaign Does HIV Look Like Me? The Student Global AIDS Campaign will be bringing its advocacy work to the tour, helping students take action on HIV and AIDS. Each campus event will begin with afternoon training, planning, and educational events in your SGAC chapter, campus and community. Then the main feature of the tour stop will be a program that includes a panel of Hope?s Voice speakers talking and answering questions about living with HIV and AIDS. Student Global AIDS Campaign organizers will be informing students about the global reach of the HIV-pandemic and how students can join the fight against HIV and AIDS at home and around the world. Following each presentation students will have an opportunity to get an HIV and AIDS test (in locations where arrangements can be made) and meet the Hope?s Voice speakers and SGAC representatives. Students will also be able to pick up packets of information about HIV and AIDS from the RV and visit various corporate and local sponsor booths for information. Hope?s Voice and Student Global AIDS Campaign will be working with national organizations and sponsors to bring new and exciting elements and surprises to the 2006 Road to Hope Tour.
Added by alookaskance on March 22, 2006