Dr. George Ayittey will talk about:
- Ghana’s constitution and the need for reform,
- the size and make-up of her government, and,
- revamping the nation’s attitude to wealth creation.
Dr. Ayittey was a Distinguished Economist at the American University in Washington DC from 1990 to 2008. He now runs the Free Africa Foundation, which he established in 1993 in Washington DC to serve as a catalyst for change in Africa. The Foundation’s mantra is: “Africa is poor because she is not free.”
Dr. Ayittey has written several highly-acclaimed books on Africa. His forthcoming book, Defeating Dictators, will be published this month.
Dr. Ayittey is known for speaking candidly, don’t miss out!
Light refreshments will be provided.
Book at http://star100ukayittey.eventbrite.com/.
Added by rtandoh on November 27, 2011