2201 Locust
St. Louis, Missouri

Another year comes to a close! This month, River City Professionals brings back one of the most exciting and unique ice-breaker activities, the White Elephant Gift Exchange! This is a not-to-miss event that will have the room a buzz with activity.

The event is free and to RSVP, visit www.rivercityprofessionals.org.

White Elephant Gift Exchange
It is a Holiday tradition! The idea is simple and gets the room moving and mingling. Most people trade upwards of 10 times just to meet as many people as possible! The rules are:

1. Take that old hula dancer salt shaker that you got from Uncle Al last year, tape your business card to it and wrap it (business card under the wrapping.
2. Bring it to the December River City Professionals networking happy hour. We will put it in the pile and give you a claim ticket with a number.

3. At 6:30 pm, we will call people up in groups of 10 by numbers to grab a gift. DON'T OPEN IT YET.

4. After everyone has a gift (still unopened) we will start the trading. You will have 15 minutes to work the room, trading and meeting people. Make the most of the opportunity! Last year people were trading upwards of 10 times!

5. After the 15 minutes, an announcement will be made and you can open your gift. Your next task is to look at the business card and find the person who gave it to you and get the story behind the gift!

Be creative, be tasteful (PG-13 gifts) and have a story to tell! Also be sure to come early so we can start promptly at 6:30.

Official Website: http://www.rivercityprofessionals.org

Added by River City Professionals on December 5, 2007