Level 12, 123 Queen Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

How can risk management help you add value to your organisation?

CIOB Australasia and RiskTools are proud to present a workshop of practical processes and proven methodologies for CIOB members.

The course follows on from the popular presentation Risk management: Is it adding value to your business?

This one-day workshop will provide participants with practical processes for the successful management of risk. These processes have been honed through the real application of what works. The workshop-style format will enable a small group of participants to apply proven processes to real life examples from their own organisations.

What will I learn?

Experienced presenter and risk management consultant Gavin Halling will provide you with practical risk management processes and toolsets to manage your project and business risks. A RiskTools associate will also support the workshops. Expect to learn how to:

Develop an integrated process that can be applied to all tenders and contracts

Assess whether to submit a tender

Ensure criteria specific to your organisation are addressed

Assess contingency allowances

Identify appropriate risk management strategies

Improve subcontracting arrangements based on appropriate risk management strategies

Manage risks throughout the contract

Assess the cost of unresolved issues to assist negotiation or other dispute resolution processes

Integrate risk management into your organisation.

Participants are encouraged to bring with them details of a current project, as well as their own laptops to enhance learning. They will be provided with risk management software and, after just one day will take away knowledge and skills to apply risk management to their own organisation.

Why should I attend?

The RiskTools workshop will deliver a number of benefits to your business, including:
Enabling personnel to be competent in project risk management (workplace assessment post workshop is available)

Reducing risk to projects and your business

Minimising losses and the cost of risk

Enhanced rigour and confidence in decision-making

Delivering professional development of employees

Improving corporate governance

Encouraging proactive management practices

Making early decisions about the best opportunities for your business.

If you are a member of one of the following professional bodies, you will receive a $100 discount on your registration fee.

Organized by Risktools
Canberra Technology ParkPhillip AvenueWatson ACTAUSTRALIA 2602 support@RiskTools.com.auTel +61 261 625 111Fax +61 261 625 112

Ticket Info:  
  • Supporting Organisation Member, AU$695.00
  • Non-member, AU$795.00

Official Website: http://risktoolsmelb-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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