Ground Floor, Millbank Tower, Millbank
London, England SW1P 4RS

The event is aimed at identifying entrepreneurs at the forefront of sustainable technology development projects and sharing best practice to the business community.

The Climate Change Bill, announced on Tuesday March 13, has the capacity to affect every business and individual in the UK – aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of the UK economy by setting yearly targets on CO2 emissions. The legislation will be presented as a draft bill for consultation this Parliamentary session, and the debate will continue until the 2007/08 session. Thought leaders in the business community will lead a discussion on the opportunities that climate change offers to UK plc.

Event: Speaker forum discussing the future impact legislation and regulation will have on the private sector's environmental responsibilities.

Format: Five thought leaders present for 10 minutes each followed by audience Q and A session. Post-event networking reception.

Cost: £45 (inc. VAT). Price includes
buffet breakfast.

Date: Wednesday, May 9, 08:30 – 10:00hrs

For more information and to book a place contact: Katie O'Leary on 020 7802 2626 or email

Issues that this event will cover include: Should my organisation issue an annual environmental report? How onerous are the non-financial regulatory requirements of the Companies Act 2006? Examples of best practice in CSR and sustainable technology. How easy is it to get in first and be a sustainable technology innovator?

Speaker Panel:

Jon Edington, Director, Cleantech investments, 3i
Jon has been a director at 3i since early 2004 and has been investing in technology companies since 2000. He specialises in investing in the software and cleantech sectors. Since joining 3i in 2001 he has led investments in companies in the security, financial services and business process management sectors. Prior to 3i Jon held line roles in the software, oil and solar industries in Japan and the US. Jon represents 3i on the boards of 42 Objects, FMS, Omprompt and Transtech.

Donna Young, Head of Climate Change Programmes, BT
Donna Young was formerly general manager of BT’s Broadband Britain programme before being given the responsibility of BT’s climate change strategy. As a consumer of 0.7% of the UK's entire electricity consumption, BT is well-placed to make a significant contribution to the process of reducing carbon emissions. In 1996 the company set out to reduce its carbon footprint by 25% by 2010. BT has developed a carbon calculator so businesses and consumers can track their own global footprints:

Alan Duncan MP Shadow Secretary of State for Trade, Industry & Energy
Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton since 1992, Alan Duncan previously worked for Shell International Petroleum and subsequently for an independent commodity company as a trader of crude oil and refined products. He has held numerous senior Parliamentary and Party positions, including Shadow Secretary of Transport.

Clive Longbottom, sustainable development market analyst, Quocirca
Consistently placed high in PR Audit's ‘top European quoted analysts’ tables, Clive founded Quocirca in 2001. He is a regular contributor to through Quocirca's Straight Talking column, and with regular columns on VNUNet and Computer Weekly his experience covers a mix of end-user experience as a process engineer in the chemical and research industries, as well as ITC work and project management in large and medium sized organisations.

BP Solar
Case studies from BP Solar and members of the Renewable Fuels Association at the forefront of sustainable technology innovation.

Facilitator: Clive Booth, LEWIS Head of Corporate Affairs

Official Website:

Added by drewbenvie on April 12, 2007