Feb. 19-21, 2007 - The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15, 2006
Early Registration Deadline: January 15, 2007
Scope and Purpose:
Headwater streams have been increasingly recognized as important sources of water, energy, nutrients and organic matter to downstream reaches, as well as being valuable habitats in their own right. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers studying the hydroecological responses of headwater streams to alternative riparian management approaches and practitioners charged with managing forestry activities in headwater and tributary systems. The ultimate goal is to explore the range of approaches potentially available to forest and aquatic resource managers and their efficacy in meeting ecosystem management objectives.
Who Should Attend?
This conference will be of interest to scientists studying the ecology, hydrology and geomorphology of small streams and/or their riparian zones. This conference is also directed at a resource management audience tasked with the management of riparian areas in headwater catchments.
Registration and Further Information:
Registration: https://www.eplyevents.com/riparianmanagement
Conference Website: http://faculty.forestry.ubc.ca/richardson/RiparianManagementConference.htm
Official Website: http://faculty.forestry.ubc.ca/richardson/RiparianManagementConference.htm
Added by thegreenpages on October 19, 2006