The tragic events of September 11, 2001 inspired Rik Reppe to give up his career as an L.A. business consultant and to make a cross-country trek in his pick up truck to visit the crash sites in Washington, Pennsylvania and New York. Out of this unusual journey comes an extraordinary one-man production that is both humorous and heartbreaking as Reppe recounts and reenacts his experiences with the people he encountered along the way. This dynamic storyteller seamlessly weaves a new picture of patriotism and challenges everybody to answer the question, "What does it mean to be an American?" In what the Chicago Tribune calls "fascinating snapshots of the American psyche," 'Staggering Toward America' is a hymn to the indomitable spirit of America and one man's search to find out what it means to be an American post-9/11.
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 8, 2007