If everyone didn't drive to work for one week, imagine how nice that would be.
- You'll save lots of money on gas
- Your cities will have less traffic, less pollution, and less noise.
- You will be able to get fresh air and enjoy the nice summer weather with a nice relaxing walk before and after work.
- Exercise is good for everyone.
- As more people use public transit, the better it will become as the city will put more investment in it
And remember, this is only a week. If you decide that the fresh air, sunshine, saving money on gas and lack of stress is not worth it, then return to driving. However, I think after doing it for a week, it will be hard to go back.
Feel free to invite everyone you know. Remember, the more people who participate, the better this event will be. :)
Official Website: http://ucalgary.facebook.com/event.php?eid=2827620327
Added by MrvnMouse on May 16, 2007