young people for - a project of people for the american way foundation
Presents ?
a spoken word event
At the Young People For National Summit
Saturday, January 15, 2005
8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Columbian Square at the Marvin Center
The George Washington University
800 21st Street NW
Washington, DC 20052
Join us at the 2005 Young People For Summit for a special event featuring some of the nation?s top slam poets, including noted poets Rich Nichols, Beau Sia, Steve Connell and Sekou (tha misfit) Andrews.
RICH NICHOLS is a community activist and the manager of the world-renowned hip hop group The Roots.
BEAU SIA is a nationally acclaimed poet who was featured in the movie Slam!
STEVE CONNELL is the 2002 Hollywood Grand Slam Poetry Champion, the 2003 L.A. Slam Poetry Champion and won the 2003 National Slam Poetry Contest with Team Los Angeles.
SEKOU 'THA MISFIT' ANDREWS, in addition to his critically acclaimed CD releases, is currently the National Poetry Slam Competition champion, winning the 2003 team championship with Team Los Angeles and the 2002 individual championship.
**To RSVP**
Please email by 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14
Include your name and contact information. Seats are limited.
[[Young People For, a project of People For the American Way Foundation, is a long-term, youth-driven program that identifies and invests in campus activists and leaders and connects them to others in the progressive movement. The program will provide a network for emerging leaders and help them cultivate skills in message development, media and communications, community activism, fundraising, research, and leadership.]]
Added by robg3 on January 7, 2005