186 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Your organisation has more data than ever before:
What do you keep, what do you throw away and how do you do this?
What can be derived to give your company an advantage?
How do you do this effectively and within your budget?

Revolutionising the Data Warehouse and Business Analytics
Explore the emerging technological trends and innovative approaches to business analytics and the Data Warehouse
One-day forum and two interactive workshops
22 - 23 August 2012
Rydges Melbourne

For more information please visit our link above or for more information contact Ark Group Australia on aga@arkgroupasia.com or call +61 1300 550 662

What our expert speakers will be covering:
- Demonstrating the tangible benefits and ROI of data warehousing
- Effectively managing Big Data
- Overcoming the barriers of to move to agile data ware house
- Maturing organisation’s data quality capability
- Bringing IT costs into control by effectively using Cloud
- New technologies and trends in business analytics
Endorsed by:
DAMA International

Network with other Data and Records Professionals at:
DQ Asia Pacific LinkedIn
Documents and Records Management
Official Media Partner:
Image and Data Manager
Other upcoming events:
Information Management and Governance for the Public Services
One-day forum with two half-day post-forum workshops
25-26 June 2012
The Sebel Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

Investigations in eDiscovery
Practical skills for effective eDiscovery on the frontier of technological advancement
One-day connected forum and pre-forum workshops
9 - 10 August 2012
Rydges Melbourne, Australia
Negotiating IT Contracts
Understanding and leveraging your legal and commercial bargaining strengths
One-day workshop
24 August 2012
Rydges Melbourne

Official Website: http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/Events-E024datarev.htm

Added by Ark Australia on June 6, 2012

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