3649 E 65th Street Slavic Village
Cleveland, Ohio 44105

Vivaldi, Beethoven, Ligeti and Ives all composed music that broke the rules and brought down the house! Come hear their revolutionary music played by the celebrated chamber orchestra CityMusic Cleveland, under the dynamic direction of James Gaffigan. Violinist Jennifer Koh -- described as “a risk-taking, high-octane player of the kind who grabs the listener by the ears and refuses to let go” -- is the special guest for this program.

Find out why this chamber orchestra has won cheering audiences with its beautiful music, brilliantly performed, in friendly, familiar neighborhood settings. Free concerts with free art exhibits make CityMusic concerts accessible to everyone!

Join the joyful musicians of CityMusic Cleveland's professional chamber orchestra to enjoy exquisite music and meet your civic leaders and neighbors at a delicious reception. Bring your family and friends.

Official Website: http://www.CityMusicCleveland.org

Added by CityMusic Cleveland on August 21, 2007



Looking at CityMusic's website and the poster for the event it says Note new time: 730pm