Come party like it's Web 1.0. Revision3 has some exciting announcements!
Party w/the Revision3 crew and get exclusive insider information!
Rev3 Crew --
Jay Adelson (CEO), David Prager (Biz Dev)
Diggnation - Kevin Rose / Alex Albrecht
TheBroken - Ramzi / Dan Huard / Kevin Rose
Ctrl-Alt-Chicken - Alex Albrecht / Heather Stewart
Infected: Martin Sargent, Joey the intern, Gator
Indigital: Hahn Choi / Jessica Corbin
Geekdrome: Dan Trachtenberg, Jonathon London
Special Guests --
John C. Dvorak - Cranky Geeks / PC Magazine
Patrick Norton - DLTV
Robert Heron - DLTV
Lala - TikiBar TV
Dr. Tiki - TikiBar TV
Johnny Johnny - TikiBar TV
...and 200+ of our closest friends (that would be you!)
(21+ and older)
Free - just come out and party!
Added by kevinrose on September 3, 2006
do you HAVE to be 21 + (or is that just suggested?!?). Is it at a bar???
I will pray that I can get out of work. I can always fake illness I guess.
imcclurk: You could always just drink enough to make it not a fake illness day. Then you don't have to feel so bad about lying.
If only I wasnt on the east coast
the OG TechTV cast together again. =P
Definately worth the 2 hr drive from Sac.! Looking forward to a great reunion.
Wish I lived Closer :)
Damn me living in Massachusetts!!!
WOOT! Events like this make the high cost of living and bad traffic in the S.F. Bay area worth it!
when it says 21+, does it really mean it? that's just shy of my 21st.
Should be a fun event! yah for web 1.0! :)
I despise all the 21+ events...(and living near S.F. makes me even angrier for not being able to attend the event)
I'd be up for it. Good casts all of them.
Hey...If anyone wants to meet up before the event for Dinner, I'm down...Just looking meet fellow Diggers and new friends...Hit me up at 805-630-5504...Oh, "Mike" here...Check out my for more info on me....C-ya there!
BTW, GREAT JOB GUYS(Keven/Alex/Rev3 Crew)...I'll be there, sounds like some good fun...
Gosh golly geeze. I wish I could make it. Hey keep an update going next time you are in Vegas, I will be there. Living in NY it isn't easy to hook up a vacation so soon.
Me + 1 should be great!
Me and 3 other fellas will be there.
Can't wait to party.
I can't wait to go.
I think this is worth missing my Unix class for.
I think I might come out of the fogbank of the Richmond for this event.
sounds like good fun
Reason #34,898 to move to San Fransisco.
Making the trip all the way from Winnipeg, Mb. Got my plane ticket ready to get crazy. Can't wait!
Sweet, I just changed my podcast expo plan's so I can make it
Onward and forward with InDigital!
dammit.. if it wasnt across the country, id be soo down..
You bet I'll blow off a day of classes to drive up.
im game, now if only I can find a reliable ride from sacramento ;)
TikiBarTV peeps at last - yeah!
I'm in, sounds awesome!
will be there
Damn you and your middle of the week San Francisco shinanigans.. if this were the weekend, I would so be there.
Awesome! I'm in town that day for work!
Veganvixen and I will be there...can't wait!
Dvorak and Lala at the same party? Fuck. Yes.
finally I can make it to one fo these.
add 2 more here
I'm gonna try to make it down but I may be in Sacramento :(
I'm def in + 1
definitely going to this!;)
Myself + 1, can't wait for the great event!!
Myself +1. Don't know how guest w/o accounts will work.
looks like im driving from sac as well then see everyone there
+1 guest
just moved to SF so i don't know anybody but that's what beer is for...right?!
Ill be going by myself since none of my friends are into this. Oh and im driving from Fresno, so PLEASE make room for me!
I'm there!
Hell yeah, I'm totally there.
I'm there +1. Sounds like a blast.
All over this +2!
I'm there +1.
hey, is anyone going to answer if it is 21+ for sure, i hella wanna come, im a HUGE fan of many rev3 shows, and would love to come.
Looking forward w/ +1. Congrats guys!
anyone of you want to go that is in the LA area?
I'm driving up for the night.
email me
Me and the wife makes 193, gonna be a blast.
Long time diggnation watcher - going to be great to check this out!
Coming all the way from Singapore! Count me in.
I can not wait to see whats going on. Hmm TikiBarTV members are going to be there. I wonder if I should take BART since I KNOW I WILL be getting my "Drink On".
Count me in, plus one.
Myself plus 1.
I'll be there, plus one... and I hope Leo makes it to the party...
myself +1 as well, also sent them the invite have them register just in case.
Eleventh Hour Printing and Bull Moose Lodge will be showing up... So me +2
me. plus one. maybe more. i wonder if will pate is really going....hmmm
Me +1 :)
O yeah
I will be there with two friends.
i will be there plus 1
Hey...If anyone wants to meet up before the event for Dinner, I'm down...Just looking meet fellow Diggers and new friends...Hit me up at 805-630-5504...Oh, "Mike" here...Check out my for more info on me....C-ya there!
Count me in +2
Coming from Paris to see that. Count me in + 1
should be fun..
I will be there!
ooh babies .. count me in. mw
For all those folks coming from Sacramento:
CRAP!!!!!!!!! Thats it. Im moving up there.
i will venture in myself
any guesses as to what time the announcements will be happening? ie - is it 7pm sharp, or a rockstar-ish start 1-2 hours after doors open?
No matter when you arrive, the place will be packed to the gills. So, I'd suggest coming early just to get a drink at the bar.
what about the Los Angeles launch party?
there. So there.
Had a blast, here is the video I made of the event
I'll drive up for this!