Reverse Funnel System money
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In case you’re not familiar with The Reverse Funnel System, it is a hands-free, fully automated home based business opportunity created by entrepreneur Ty Coughlin. The Reverse Funnel System essentially combines elements of the “funded proposals” method, online marketing techniques, and complete automation to create a network marketing program that is producing results for newcomers and veterans alike.
The Reverse Funnel System is in it’s infancy, and it’s still a ground floor opportunity having only been around for a few short months now.
So what has my experience with The Reverse Funnel System been like? In a nutshell, it’s been a wild ride...
In the short time that I’ve been involved, I’m seeing things that I’ve never seen before in any MLM or network marketing opportunity. Due to the fact that the sales process is 100% automated, the Reverse Funnel System has eliminated much of the learning curve and provided a way for brand new reps to begin building their businesses from day one.
Another side effect of the automated system is duplication. I’ve never personally experienced duplication like what I’ve seen in this opportunity. In most home based businesses, it’s a rarity to see newcomers having success early on. With the Reverse Funnel System, it’s commonplace.
Added by Reverse Funnel System Money on January 25, 2009