601 West 114th Street (entrance on Broadway)
New York City, New York 10025

Reverend Billy
The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir & The Not Buying it Band
Saturday APRIL 28, 8 pm
$5-15 pay what you can ticket
#1 train to 116th Street
M4 or M104 bus to 114th on Broadway
Reverend Billy and The Church of Stop Shopping stage a revival service in conjunction with The Clean Clothes and Fair Food Conference taking place at Columbia University April 27-29. The smoking hot 30 voice choir and 7 piece band deliver rousing music while Reverend Billy preaches the powerful and powerfully funny Stop Your Shopping gospel. This is a rare opportunity to catch the show Uptown and The Church’s last local performance of the season.
Information www.revbilly.com
About the conference www.allianceforfairfood.org, www.fairfoodnyc.org

Official Website: http://www.revbilly.com

Added by revbilly on April 17, 2007