Zendai Zendai Thumb Plaza, 199 Fang Dian Road
Shanghai, Shanghai


Zbigniew Karkowski+ Li Chin Sung China Tour

In March, 2006, Shanghai will host the "Revenge of Ying and Yang" - Zbigniew Karkowski + Li Chin Sung China Tour, which will break all frontiers of previous aural experience. This is a great exchange between the worlds top ranking experimental sound artists and the most dynamic local musicians. Without question, this event will be the most extreme musical offering of the year.
The show on the 3rd of March is the first high-end music event of Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art to date this year. The second show at DDMwarehouse on the 4th of March, is part of the continuing series of live events "ddm_live_2006".

Both Zbigniew Karkowski and Li Chin Sung - maestro from Poland and music producer from Hongkong are the most active individuals at the fore of the field of contemporary experimental music. The third artist, founder of the renowned Belgian experimental music label "Sub Rosa" - Guy Marc Hinant, has just begun his participation in the event for Shanghai. Further experimentation with and without these 3 artists, are the invited Torturing Nurse, Aitar, Xu Cheng, who are now the most active members of both local and international alternative scenes.

Sound Artists: Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland), Li Chin Sung (Hongkong), Guy Marc Hinant (Belgium), Torturing Nurse (China), Aitar (China), Xu Cheng (China)
Video Artist: Atsuko Nojiri (Japan)
Performance Poet: Sun Mengjin

Live Shows:

Shanghai ZENDAI Museum of Modern Art
Show Time: 8pm, Mar. 3, 2006 (Fri.)
Ticket: 50RMB

Show Time: 8pm, Mar. 4, 2006 (Sat.)
Ticket: 50RMB (incl. Beer + Souvenir)

Shanghai ZENDAI Museum of Modern Art
Bd.28, NO.199, Fangdian Rd, Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 5033 9802 Fax: +86 21 5033 9803

713 Dong Daming Rd. 3F Shanghai, China 200080
Tel: +86 21 3501 3212 Fax: +86 21 3501 3212

Added by msittig on February 20, 2006

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