Anywhere, Florida

This could be the most important call you've ever attended.

Join Ali Brown and Baeth Davis for this special call as they share SHOCKING data on how the future of the world is truly dependent on women. And discover their simple formula to welcome this newfound passion, purpose, and power for yourself, your daughters, and the women around you. It's FREE and happening on Thursday, August 12 at 8pm ET.

There's no doubt about it - women are thriving more than ever, and especially women entrepreneurs. But there's a dark secret behind the glory... while we climb the ladders of success and celebrate our achievements that at the same time help others, there are some who desire to see us fail. (Some wish it privately, some publicly.)

If this has ever happened to you, you may have thought it was an isolated incident. However we're here to tell you this is a natural phenomenon. And it has to STOP.

We'd like to deliver the remedy for this, and a simple formula to ensure your best success, all in one enlightening phone call.

Our REVELATION is for women to step up and realize the future - ours and that of the world -- truly does depend on us.

On this 75-minute call, we'll be revealing:
• why women are more the problem than men when it comes to holding ourselves back (research shows... we are sadly actually programmed to NOT let each other succeed)
• how to finally stop competing and comparing yourself with others - you MUST learn how to end this vicious cycle if you are to grow into your highest good!
• new data that proves women are proving to be the ones bringing healing and change to the world - spiritually, politically, economically -- and it starts with you and your business
• how to massively shift your paradigms for your life and work so you are released from fear and literally pulled forward into success without struggle
• our simple three-step formula for welcoming into your life the innate personal power that is urgently waiting to surface (Truth: This is simple, but not necessarily easy - find out if you are ready for this huge uplevel on the call.)

Don't miss this leading-edge information from two millionaire entrepreneurs and leaders and influencers of hundreds of thousands of women around the world. We hope you will join us in... the Revelation.


Added by Ali International on August 2, 2010

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