6300 5th Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232

ReVamp your Wardrobe! using Japanese fabric dyeing techniques
with Textile Artist Amber Dawn Coppings

Saturday June 27, 1-5pm at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
$50/$45 for PCC and Fiberarts Guild members

Why buy new clothes when you can revamp them? Save money and reinvent your jeans, T-shirts, skirts and more by dyeing them with Japanese Shibori methods. Sewn Nui shibori and Folded Itajime shibori will be explored along with immersion, gradation and over-dyeing techniques. You choose! Many colors of low-impact, eco-friendly fiber reactive dyes will be used. Some color theory will be discussed to help you choose the best colors to dye your clothes. Let me know any special color requests when you register—some can be accommodated.

All dyes, chemicals and preparation materials included in tuition fee. Dye kits to use at home and silk scarves will also be available for an extra fee.

Cash, local check and Paypal are accepted. Payment is due upon registration to reserve your spot. A minimum number of students is required to run the class; maximum is 10. Full refunds will be given if the class does not run.

Please bring up to six items of clothing/accessories made of 100% cotton, silk, rayon, or blends of those fibers. Other blends are ok if they are less than 10% of another fiber. Number of items dyed in class will be determined by what everyone brings. Please bring plastic bags (grocery and/or gallon freezer bags) and a bucket with a lid (kitty litter buckets are ideal) to transport your items. Students will wash their dyed items at home.

Email Amber at acoppings@gmail.com to register and for more information.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?info&eid=104476849497#/event.php?eid=104476849497

Added by xmittens on May 20, 2009

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