This “Star Trek story with a rock-n-roll heart” is the long-running winner of London’s Olivier Award for Best Musical, comparable to Broadway’s Tony Award. The show blasts off on a routine flight, but crash lands on the planet D'Illyria where a sci fi, trekky musical of The Tempest, set to rock and roll golden oldies unfolds with glee. The planet is inhabited by a sinister scientist, Dr. Prospero; his delightful daughter Miranda (a “Teenager in Love”); Ariel, a faithful robot on roller skates; and an uncontrollable monster, the product of Prospero's Id, whose tentacles penetrate the space craft. FORBIDDEN PLANET features favorites from HAIRSPRAY: Britt Hancock as Prospero, Laketa Booker as Miranda, Sara Scronce as The Navigator, Quinn Cason as robotic Ariel, and Elliott Cunningham as Captain Kirk Tempest.
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Added by Cumberland County Playhouse on July 15, 2009