You've Heard of "Burning Man" but you'll never forget the Itching Man...
Boston's beloved Performance-art Comic, Evan O' Television gathers a nefarious band of absurdists, musicians, comedians and puppeteers together for a multi-genre bit of Midnight Itching and Late- Night Psychedlic Channel Surfing gaurenteed to leave you tossing and turning.
This Multi-Media event Begins at the Itching Hour and features a gauranteed tour through Hypnotism, Levitation, LSD, Talking Meats, Kissing Cousins, Big Brother, Mysterious Disappearances, Plant Politics, Silent Screams and the Neverland Ranch, all courtesy of our featured artists: The Walsh Brothers, HumanWine, Marsian, Peter Glantz, The Steamy Bohemians, Bony Lil and more...
Added by mike-burns on November 22, 2005