Saturday, Nov 14th 10:30am to 5:00pm
Retreat into Your Destiny 2009 Discussion Forums
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.”
Romans 8:18
The Frustration-Facilitated by Denise Lewis, Excel Global Ministries
There is a time and season for everything! How do you survive seasons of drought? You’ve been praying the same prayer for years and it seems that God is silent. What happens when everything you thought you knew becomes the very things that seem to interfere with your hopes and dreams? You learn how to manage the season you are in according to God’s word. You cannot control when it will rain, but you can get a rain coat and umbrella so that you don’t get wet. Let your frustrations fuel your capacity to embrace change and overcome adversity.
The Fight-Facilitated by TBA
Paul has said in Romans 7 that there are times when the good we should do we don’t do and we find ourselves doing the very things that we despise. When the pressure of possibly getting laid off from work comes, we pick up a bottle of alcohol. When our self-esteem lowers we stop exercising and pick up the double cheeseburger. When our 14 year old daughter is faced with sexual promiscuity we start looking for the nearest abortion clinic, just in case. When we suspect that our wife is being unfaithful we satisfy our insecurity through developing a porn addiction. Oh, but as Paul declares in Romans 7:25 “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty THROUGH God to the pulling down of strongholds. Let’s learn HOW to fight these bad decisions with the Spirit of God.
The Transition-Facilitated by Malinda Euell, Choice Ministries
This is the year of THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN. God is opening doors for you and saying, “After you?” There are points in our lives where the only reasonable option left for us to do is, change. It’s time for us to overcome the “Struggle Mentality” and accept the mercy of God in our adversities. This is the year of restoration and transition. You are not a victim of life’s circumstances, but more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. You win! The question is can you perceive your victory? Can you see your life beyond poverty? Can you see a restored marriage? Can you see what God sees for your life?
Get the Resources You Need!-Choice Ministries Staff
Learn about community organizations available to assist you with financial hardships, spiritual growth, family development, and personal social growth. In addition, fellowship with other believers to be encouraged and motivated to overcome adversity, and understand the heart of God towards you.
Added by Choice Ministries on May 22, 2009