Due to longer life expectancies, reduced corporate retirement plans and greater reliance on self-directed investments, financial security in retirement is more challenging than ever. Many people do not begin to think seriously about retirement until age 50 or older, and even those who try to plan ahead often miss the mark because of inherently flawed retirement planning tools that rely on a constant rate of return and ignore the effect of market swings. In this course, financial planner Deborah Stavis will help individuals determine the right amount of capital needed in retirement and how to develop a portfolio that can weather varying market conditions. She will address nest-egg accumulation, the preservation of capital for the next generation, training family members to be good stewards of family wealth, and when and how to begin shifting responsibility for wealth management to family members.
Six Thursdays, October 4-November 8, 2007, 6:15-8:15 p.m.
Registration and fee information available on GSCS Web site.
Official Website: http://gscs.rice.edu/NccCourseView.asp?Mode=View&clCourseID=515
Added by gscs_rice on July 27, 2007