Washington, District of Columbia 20515

Host: Cato Institute. The bipartisan, pro-trade consensus that served U.S. interests so well for nearly six decades collapsed during the Bush administration. Today, the direction of U.S. trade policy remains unclear to most observers. Although President Obama seems to appreciate the importance of trade and speaks about the dangers of protectionism, the 111th Congress has given mixed signals on the topic. What caused the collapse of the pro-trade consensus? Can that consensus be restored? Is its restoration a requirement of meaningful and effective trade policy? If so, how can it be accomplished? Please join Congressman Cuellar and Cato scholar Daniel J. Ikenson to discuss the importance of restoring bipartisan support for open international commerce.

Official Website: http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=6204

Added by insideronline on June 10, 2009