Dr. Wayne Jennings, research physicist at CWRU’s Department of Material Science and Engineering, has talked to us in the past about “The Peak of Oil.” This talk will go beyond oil to a discussion of what other resources are of great importance to our world to keep us sustainable.
Dr. Jennings organizes the Cleveland Peak Oil Meetup Group.
The Morning Forum at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church has a long tradition in our congregation. It meets every Sunday from September to June from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. before the Sunday worship service. Church memebr Bill Hayne is the volunteer host and manager of Morning Forum.
The Morning Forum is an opportunity for informal group discussion on a variety of topics in a stimulating but warm and nurturing atmosphere. Usually, the program consists of a presentation by a member of the congregation or a guest speaker, followed by group discussion. Topics range from issues of religion and spirituality to social and political topics to book discussions to practical concerns of everyday life.
You don't have to sign up to participate, and you can come on some Sundays and not on others. Everyone is welcome!
Official Website: http://www.wsuuc.org/worship/morning-forum-topics.html
Added by jeffschuler on November 16, 2007