On Wednesday afternoon, February 10, the GATE project organizes, in collaboration with the DGA, the meeting Research Meets Business. The goal of this meeting is match-making between the researchers in the GATE project and developers in the Dutch game industry, to stimulate future collaboration. The GATE project has a budget of one million Euro for such new knowledge transfer projects.
During the meeting research results from the GATE project will be presented. Also some developers from game companies will give their views on the most important technical challenges for the future. During a long poster session with drinks, people can discuss the results and collaboration opportunities.
13.00 Welcome with coffee and tea
13.30 GATE overview by Mark Overmars
14.00 Short presentations by developers game companies
14.45 Short presentations by GATE researchers
15.30 Poster session and drinks
17.00 Closure
The meeting is held in Descartes-Centrum, 11th floor, Matthias van Geunsgebouw, Bolognalaan 48, 3584 CJ Utrecht. The number of attendees is limited so please register early. The meeting is only meant for developers in Dutch game companies and related industries.
For more information contact Piet Buitendijk(pietb@cs.uu.nl).
Official Website: http://gate.gameresearch.nl/index.php?pageID=110
Added by kaeru on February 4, 2010