1961 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6t 1z1

The murder of 14 year old Reena Virk by schoolmates, in Victoria, has aroused deep concern in about violence among children in our society. Thoughout the tri-als Heather Spears has recorded these children and their stories in an attempt to understand what happened and why it happened.

The Lillooet Room (301) at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Thursday, June 24, 2010: 3:00–4:00pm.
To ensure a seat, please RSVP in advance: ikblc-events@interchange.ubc.ca
or 604.827.4366

Website: http://www.ikebarberlearningcentre.ubc.ca/
Heather Spears: http://www.heatherspears.com/contents/required.htm

Official Website: http://www.ikebarberlearningcentre.ubc.ca/

Added by Allan Cho on June 15, 2010