3750 S Flamingo Rd
Davie, Florida 33330

The Reptile Expo & Sale, on Sunday, October 14, 9:30-4:30, at Flamingo Gardens focuses on dysecdysis (shedding problems) in reptiles. Stop, Look & Learn from Gerald Marzec, member of the Institute for Herpetological Research, who has written numerous scientific papers and is the author of "The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas," the most comprehensive guide to maintaining and breeding reptiles in captivity, and "The Bacterial Diseases of Reptiles," among others.
The show includes a Kids Korner. Bring a white cotton t-shirt and decorate it free, so the kids can shed their skins, too!. The Kool Gadget Giveaway for adults is a junk mail shredder.
Reduced admission for the day including the show, botanical gardens, animal and bird exhibits, and historic Wray Home is $5 off admission of $17 for ages 12 and up, $3 off admission of $8.50 for children 4-11, children under 4 are free. Admission includes the reptile event, botanical gardens, free-flight aviary with 43 species of birds, Birds of Prey exhibit including eagles, and flamingos, panthers, bobcats, otters, and alligators. Wildlife Encounter Shows are presented live at 12:30, 1:30 and 2:30. Tours of historic 1930s Wray Home are available from 10-4. The 20-minute narrated tour by tram, which runs on the hour from 11 to 4, is additional. Parking is always free. Food and beverages are available.
Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary, South Florida’s 60-acre botanical and wildlife treasure, 3750 S Flamingo Road, Davie (between I-595 and Griffin Road). For more information, call 954-473-2955, email flamingoelk@hotmail.com or visit the website at http://www.flamingogardens.org/events.htm.

Official Website: http://www.flamingogardens.org/events.htm

Added by flamingoelk on September 8, 2007

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