3750 S Flamingo Rd
Davie, Florida 33330

Reptile Expo & Sale Featuring Geckos, Jan 12, 9:30-4:30 at Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary. Stop, Look & Learn all about geckos and which make the best pets. Enjoy educational Reptile Bingo with prizes in the Kids Korner. Win an electronic labeling system in the Kool Gadget Giveaway Drawing. Purchase captive born and raised snakes, spiders, lizards, frogs, turtles, tortoises, and of course, geckos from expert breeders at great prices. 2-for-1 special, pay one admission of $17 for ages 12 and up, or $8.50 for children 4-11 and get one admission of equal value free. Admission includes the gardens, wildlife exhibits, Wildlife Encounter shows, and tours of historic Wray Home, the tour by tram is extra. Food and beverages are available. Guests are not permitted to bring animals for trade, sale or show to this event. Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary, 3750 S Flamingo Road, Davie. For more information, call 954-473-2955, email flamingoelk@hotmail.com or visit the website at www.flamingogardens.org and click on Upcoming Events.

Official Website: http://www.flamingogardens.org/events.htm

Added by flamingoelk on December 4, 2008

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