This is a report-back with Andres Thomas Conteris and local Bay Area activists, recently returned from Honduras. Conteris is the founder of Democracy Now! en Espanol and Director of NonViolence International, which opposes the US military bases in Latin America. He led the Delegation with the Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas and was the only U.S. journalist to be with Pres. Zelaya from June 2009 in the Brazilian Embassy until the illegal coup took over again in an undemocratic election in January. The resistance & their supporters (indigenous, women, workers) are being targeted by death squads and the illegal coup government, yet they remain strong and more united than ever. Please help share this far and wide. This is a benefit for the Honduran resistance through the Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas.
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Added by benburch666 on April 27, 2010