Survivor-Driven Catholic Ministry to Host Second Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Mass
The Ministers of Light, the official survivor-driven ministry of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, will host its second annual archdiocesan domestic violence awareness mass, Renewing the Spirit of Empowerment, on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 5:00pm at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Redwood City. This special mass will be held in commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Domestic violence prevention, crisis intervention, and pastoral healing encompass the mission of the Ministers of Light. The ministry is also a direct response to a mandate issued and reaffirmed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1992 forcefully condemning domestic violence against women, and calling for the Catholic Church to ignite a moral revolution against domestic violence. Ministers of Light serve all 89 parishes of the Archdiocese of San Francisco in San Mateo, San Francisco, and Marin counties.
Ministers of Light serve as trusted parish-based resources, offering counseling, referrals, support, and Christ-centered healing to victims and survivors of domestic violence. Parishes are a trusted first point of contact for many victims and survivors. Ministers of Light are also engaged in prevention education and advocacy efforts in Catholic schools, pre-marital counseling programs, and seminaries.
The mass will include a survivor testimonial, survivor prayer with unity candle, and a special blessing and commissioning of newly trained Ministers of Light. Following the mass will be a light dinner and celebration in the large hall. There will be security to ensure the mass is a safe space for victims and survivors. All are welcome and encouraged to wear something with the color purple in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Complimentary parking will be available in the school yard between the church and the hall.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 24, 2010