Celebrate America's culinary heritage at the Renewing America's Food Traditions picnic in downtown Madison. The Chefs Collaborative, in collaboration with Slow Food USA and Culinary History Enthusiasts of Wisconsin (CHEW) with host and urban buffet picnic The menu will feature breeds considered “critical”, heirloom varieties of seasonal vegetables and fruits to salute America’s unique food traditions, renewed.
You can reserve a ticket by sending an e-mail to reservations@slowfoodwisconsin.org. Tickets must be purchased by September 12, 2007 and paid for by cash or check. Credit card purchases are available through Café Soleil( 608 251-0500), Harvest (608 255-6075) or the Old Fashioned restaurants (608 310-4545). The cost is $35.00 for Slow Food members, $40.00 for non-members. There will be a $5.00 charge for purchase by credit card. The proceeds from the picnic will help support local producers who are helping to perpetuate these foods and are promoting them in the marketplace.
Added by ChefsCollaborative on August 30, 2007