The picnic is a project in conjunction with the Edible Austin the Chefs Collaborative and Slow Food Austin. Local chef, Jesse Griffiths of Dai Due Supper Club, is organizing and cooking the food and Gary Nabhan, one of the founders of RAFT and author of "Coming Home to Eat: The Pleasures of Politics and Local Foods" will be the keynote speaker.
RAFT, Renewing America's Food Traditions was developed by seven conservation, education and food organizations to identify, restore and celebrate heritage foods. The Austin Picnic is one of five around the country, begun to create an awareness of agricultural conservation to preserve the vanishing heritage breeds, heirloom vegetables and as well as the regional food traditions that are disappearing from America. The goal is to get the rare and
endangered foods back in use. Culinary activist, Poppy Tooker calls this approach "Eating to Save it".
Official Website:
Added by ChefsCollaborative on October 15, 2007