Join Pastors across the Greater Dallas Fort Worth area for a time of prayer, encouragement and renewal. You are invited to join us as Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Alec Rowlands and Pastor Jim Cymbala challenge and encourage Pastors through a time of encouragement and renewal.
Morning sessions will be open to Pastors and ministry staff and evening sessions will be made available to the general public on a first come basis with an optional $10 donation received during the service.
Early Registration due by March 1st , $49.00 per person
Registration after March 1st will be $59.00 per person
Day of Registration will cost $64.00 per person
Seminary Students receive a 50% discount.
Organized by Tarrant NetTarrant Net is an organization committed to transforming Tarrant County by networking Christian churches together to pray, to serve the community, and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird, $50.23
- Early Bird Seminary Students, $25.49
- General Registration, $60.48
- Seminary Students, $30.49
Official Website: http://renewalsummit09-upcoming.eventbrite.com