502 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

On Saturday, June 24th, 1-3pm, Rendezvous will host an open house to celebrate the work of the new artists whose work is now on display at the restaurant. Local artists Linda Getgen (photographer) and Scott Listfield (painter) will be on hand to discuss their work. Ms. Getgen and Mr. Listfield are represented by Scintus Images of Somerville, MA.

Chef/owner Steve Johnson will offer snacks and refreshments to the guests. In addition, our friends at Formaggio Kitchen will offer tastes of several New England cheesemakers (Jasper Hill Farm, Twig Farm, Hillman Farm), and Angus Smith of Vineyard Research wine company will be pouring tastes of several summery wines from his portfolio and be available to answer questions about them. The event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and ADMISSION IS FREE.

For more information, please call 617.576.1900. For more information about the artists or Scintus Images, please visit them online at: www.scintus.com

We hope you will be able to join us for this event!

502 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

Official Website: http://www.rendezvouscentralsquare.com

Added by seuss78 on June 16, 2006