“Step to Hope” event offers help with resumes, computer training, interview advice – signups now underway
Cleveland, OH. – (April 30, 2009) – Instructors at Remington College-Cleveland Campus are providing displaced workers an opportunity to improve their job hunting skills in order to try and get back into the workforce through a new initiative called Step to Hope.
Partnering with the Nordonia Hills YMCA and Church of the Hills, Remington College-Cleveland Campus instructors are volunteering their time to teach practical topics for job seekers, including resume writing, interviewing skills, developing a list of references and assessing job skills to determine whether additional education is needed.
The Ohio unemployment rate is up to 9.7% for March, and many job seekers need help with the skills they need to find new jobs. A YMCA representative will also be on hand to provide advice about how to handle the stress that comes with trying to find a job.
“As a school, one of our goals for 2009 is to become more active in the community and this partnership allows us to do that,” said Walter Moss, Director of Education at Remington College-Cleveland Campus.
Training sessions will be held May 16th and May 23rd at the Remington College-Cleveland Campus from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. People can register for the workshops by calling 330-467-8366. The workshops are limited to 20 participants. Child care is available at the YMCA for children ages 3 (must be toilet trained) through 12. Transportation from the YMCA to Remington College-Cleveland Campus is available.
Remington College-Cleveland Campus is located at 14445 Broadway Ave. in Cleveland.
About Remington College: Remington College is a common name used by all 19 campuses of a group of affiliated companies of privately-owned post-secondary educational institutions based in Heathrow, Florida. Through the 19 campuses, Remington College offers diplomas, bachelor’s and associate’s degrees in a variety of fields including health science, criminal justice, business, electronics and information technology. Remington College and its predecessor companies have been part of the higher-education community since 1985. For more information, please visit http://www.remingtoncollege.edu/
Media contact:
Frank Wolff
Wellons Communications
407-339-0879 office
407-637-6000 cell
Official Website: http://www.remingtoncollege.edu
Added by meglicata on May 6, 2009