**This event is open to all RE/MAX Treeland Agents**
This informal training/Q&A session will take a look at:
1. Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization
a. Blogging
b. Craigslist.com
c. Your website content
2. What is Ubertor?
a. Get Ubertor support (http://support.ubertor.com)
- Live Person
- Self-Service Support
- Private Support Options
b. Get Firefox (http://www.getfirefox.com)
- Why?
c. Get the Google Toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/)
- Spell Check and the Google Page Rank
3. Logging into Your Website
- Where? /cp
- Forgot Password?
4. Getting Around in Ubertor
- Update a Page
- Update Listings
- Preferences
5. The Dashboard Page
6. Updating Listings
a. Adding a Custom Listing
b. Changing Property Details
c. Working with Pictures
d. Working with Floor Plans
e. Working with Virtual 360 Tours
f. Adding a Google Map to your listings
g. Adding Naration/Music to a Vancouver listing slideshow ( Vancouver Real Estate example: http://www.andrewhasman.com/ )
h. Quick tips to "Googlize" your Real Estate listing
7. Update a Page
a. The Content Library
b. Adding Text
c. Formatting Text
d. Making a bulleted or numbered list
e. Adding a link
f. Adding Images
g. Adding a PDF file
8. Preferences Tab
We'll also take all of your specific questions, so feel free to bring a list of them!
If you have a website, or are thinking about getting a website this is a worthwhile presentation to attend.
For more information about Ubertor Websites click here - http://www.ubertor.com
To read the Ubertor Corporate Blog click here - http://www.ubertor.com/blog
This presentation on Ubertor is brought to you by Tell Ten Friends Marketing: http://www.telltenfriends.ca and is hosted by Jordan Behan.
If you have questions, feel free to direct them to Jordan: jordan@telltenfriends.ca
Added by jordanbehan on June 8, 2007