Release Technique is a system originally invented by the modern american master
Lester Levenson.
Being on the brink of death due to severe health problems and given just a few months to live by his doctor - Lester entered the personal quest to find answers on questions about life and happiness.
Guided by his intuition he was able to discover answers to all life questions he ever had, corrected all his illnesses and gained happiness he never thought of possible.
For more than 40 years Lester Levenson was teaching small groups of people his amazing Release Technique that shows to anyone regardless of beleifs and conditions clear way to improve all aspects of life and achieve happiness, health and prosperity that often goes beyond the wildest dreams of practitioners.
The Release Technique - Millionaire 101 Abundance Course is a live event and hands-on practice class that will be taught under the guidance of one of Lester Levenson's original students - Larry Crane.
All students will be able to learn release technique to be practiced anywhere at any time and benefit from it's simplicity and effectiveness to improve all parts of life, including health, relationships, finances and overall happiness.
Please note that seating is limited and advanced reservation is highly recommended.
Please read more information and sign up for the live event here:
Release Technique - The Millionaire 101 Abundance Course
Official Website: