We invite you to explore how we can begin to safely and gradually free the energy of consciousness from 'chronic' syndromes such as pain, mental fog or depression by working directly with the body process while in a healing qifield.
This work is very simple yet in general most of us avoid it. Why? Most of us compartmentalize, or fragment our experiences - this means that what we experience in one moment of life goes unrecognized (unrealized) in another. This is called dissociation and its root is at the level of the body - in muscles, viscera, nerves and membranes.
During this event you will learn how to regulate the flow of energy, substance and information in the physical, energetic and mental aspects of your being. This unifies the whole into a complete and indivisible entirety of being.
There will be more emphasis on practice-experiencing with simultaneous theory-learning. This event is structured around continuous mindful practice.
Previous experience practicing Zhineng / Wisdom Healing / Chilel Qigong is helpful though not required. Practitioners of Zen or martial arts will also find this workshop beneficial. Plan for extended periods of standing, less so of sitting and lying down. We recommend rest after the event in order to consolidate your experience. This event includes optional free-form, facilitated sharing of your experience as part of the various practice sessions.
Official Website: http://www.qifieldtherapy.com
Added by FullCalendar on March 13, 2012