2800 Clay Edwards Dr.
Kansas City, Missouri 64116

Relay For Life Team Captain Meeting

Relay For Life - July 17-18, 2009 - Oak Park HS
Cancer Does Not Stop at Night. Relay for Life starts at dusk and ends at dawn. The darkness of night and light of day are symbolic; they parallel the physical effects, emotions and mental state of a cancer patient while undergoing treatment. The Relay begins when the sun is setting. This symbolizes the time that a person has been diagnosed with cancer. As darkness falls, this represents the cancer patient’s state of mind, as they may feel weary and afraid that their life is coming to an end. As the evening progresses it gets colder and darker, similar to the emotions of a cancer patient. The early morning hours (around 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.) represent the time when a cancer patient starts treatments. They often become exhausted, sick, discouraged and want to give up. As a participant in Relay, you can somewhat relate in that you are tired, want to sleep, and may even want to quit and go home. Around 4 a.m. to 5 a.m. symbolizes the final treatment for a cancer patient, tired but having “hope” that things will soon be better. As a participant you are looking forward to dawn as the sunrise represents the dawn of a new day, full of life and excitement and new beginnings for a cancer patient.

Official Website: http://relayforlife.org/northlandmo

Added by RelayForLifeNorthlandKCMO on January 29, 2009