Relationship Circle – Al & Aurora Lipper
Dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 30, Oct. 28 & Nov. 18, 2009
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Cost: Donation
Location: SLO Adult School, Room: J-1
To register or for more information, call or email:
Aurora Lipper
The Relationship Circle is open to men and women, couples and singles seeking support, help, and guidance in their intimate relationships. The main focus is on inner strength work and relationship dynamics. Participants are asked to commit to all three meeting times.
About Al Lipper:
Al’s formal education includes an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science (the study of human thought), as well as two graduate degrees - one in Education, the other in Psychology. Much of his professional background has been devoted to working with others to maximize their life potential. For over a decade, he has workshops in team building, communication and personal empowerment, serving thousands of clients. Additionally, he served for three years on the faculty of California Polytechnic State University in the College of Business.
Added by slojudes on September 25, 2009