450 Serra Mall, Building 150
Stanford, California

To register: https://www.acteva.com/go/socialnetworks

Currently "social networks" bring to mind the new hot software products entering the marketplace. There is a more fundamental meaning of "social network" -the networks of relationships in our everyday life. Research into these networks has influenced sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, computer science, health, innovation, business and more.

Social relations are integral to families, teams, businesses, nations and on-line social networks. Research shows that organizations and individuals who understand and apply knowledge of social networks are healthier, happier, more productive and certainly more innovative.

Ultimately, more subtle understanding of human relationships and networks will be key to future "social networking" software. Integrating social network knowledge into management practices and software is stimulating an innovation and productivity revolution. Come learn about its potential.

The class is from 9:00 to 5:00 with snacks and coffee provided. The doors will open at 8:30 with breakfast food and coffee, so you can come early and "network" (we'll talk about that too).

Course Outline

- Overview: social networks, networks and networking, some background

- Searching through networks for people and information

- Social network self assessment

- Social capital - what is it?

- How networks influence us and how they form:: positions, roles, institutions, norms, brokerage, closure

- How networks affect organizations and regions

- Networks and luck

- Networks and creativity and innovation

- Implications for individuals, organizations and software

The course is a mixture of activities and lecture - there is a lot that needs to be covered, but there is plenty of discussion and "learning by doing," so it will be fun day. The outline here is brief, but if you want more details, feel free to contact us at: 650.923.8550 or steiny@isnae.org. Ask us about discounts for students or other financially challenged folks.

The instructor: Don Steiny - Has taught Social Network Analysis at the University of Oulu, Finland; The Kauffman Foundation and public classes.

He has been an invited speaker on the subject at Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria; The Electronic Recruiting Exchange conference in Boston; the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City; InfoTech Oulu in Oulu, Finland and a number of different events around Silicon Valley. He is currently has in press a book review of the 2nd edition of Identity and Control, by Harrison White (where he is listed as contributor) and for the journal Social Networks; and on social networks, innovation and productivity for the International Journal of Virtual Organizations and Networking . He has over 20 years software development experience with companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Bell Laboratories. Don is a regular attendee and presenter at the International Network of Social Network Analysts (INSNA)conferences, he is a member of the Silicon Valley Network Analysis Project (SiVNAP) at Stanford and is one of the founders of ISNAE (http://www.isnae.org). Don has spend many years as an adviser to businesses and has been on the board of advisers of over a dozen companies. His BA is in linguistics and he is currently working on a PhD at the University of Oulu, Finland.

To Register: https://www.acteva.com/go/socialnetworks

Official Website: http://www.acteva.com/go/socialnetworks

Added by ISNAE on July 23, 2007

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