n this class you will be attuned to the Reiki Level II energy. You will be introduced to the Usui Level II symbols and will also learn three additional symbols that are not covered by all teachers. Students will learn how to integrate these symbols into each Reiki session. Contents of this class include learning to heal unwanted habits, several techniques to send Reiki at a distance, Gassho meditation and personal empowerment. This class starts at 10:00am and ends at 5:00pm. Class size is kept to a maximum of four students with lots of hands-on practice time. To register please contact Christa at 604.837.5125 or reiki@christalynn.ca. A $50.00 deposit is required upon registration with the remainder due at the time of the class.
Official Website: http://www.christalynn.ca/reiki-classes/index.html
Added by Tim Stringer on November 25, 2009