April 27, 2012 (Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm)
7 CEUs = $125 ($145 after March 26th). Taught by Emily LaBathe
Reiki II includes the introduction to the "Mental/Emotional" symbol, the "Distance" symbol and a review of the "Power" symbol. Also, a Reiki attunement for these symbols will be given.
This class gives information on the mental and emotional processes which may be the underlying symptoms of disease. Techniques for using the Reiki symbols for increased energy flow, long distance healing, for past, present and future and accessing intuition. There will also be a discussion of grounding, centering, auric field clearing, personal transformation, self empowerment and manifestation.
* Please bring a lunch (the energy will not be dissipated going out to restaurants).
Please call (410) 243-4688 to register by phone or visit our website at http://holisticmassagetraining.org/ContinuingEducation.htm
Added by Holistic Massage on April 25, 2012