7 CEUs $145. Taught by Emily LaBathe
Reiki II continues the study of channeling Reiki energy for healing and self growth. In this class two more Reiki symbols will be taught, the mental/emotional healing symbol and the long distance symbol. An attunement will be given along with manuals showing techniques for working with these two new symbols. Techniques for accessing intuition, scanning, and sending long distance sessions will be taught and practiced in class. Certificates will be given for this 7 hour CEU class. Also available are William Rand's Reiki 1 and 2 Manual for $15 for those wanting a more in-depth study of Reiki than we can accomplish in 7 hours.
Please call (410) 243-4688 to register by phone or visit our website at
Added by Holistic Massage on October 7, 2012